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Manage your whole day | tips and methods

There are different methods to manage your day. If you are trying to analyze this yourself, you will find the answer. I want to suggest some tips and tricks manage your whole day. This article is like guidance.
Please, stay attentive to my words.
There are so many points that emerge from different perspectives. So, I just hit some bullet points which is based on my experience.
They are:
  • Do you know that quote i.e. "Win your morning Win your day". This is absolutely true. If you want to make your day as a productive day then you have to win your morning. Simply, it can be stated as you have to complete your daily works as soon as possible. You have to wake up so early like you can wake up at early 4 o'clock(best practice- but if you are a nightmare then this is not for you). Then study for some time and exercise of at least one hour for the best productivity result. If you have done these works correctly without any kind of disturbances caused by anything, then you win your morning. Eventually, you win your day. "Suruaad acchhi ho to sab kuch accha hota hai" like said in Hindi.
  • The above things are like your daily activities. You have to make that your lifestyle. It's up to you. It's just a guide to managing your day. You have the choice to follow me or not. Then you have to know different time management things like how to maximize your productivity while studying. Like, How to study qualitatively. "It's not the hours you put in a work that counts, it's the works you just do in an hour." So, just focus on time. Time is so valuable. Try the Pomodoro technique while studying. Do research on it. Try different methods for learning.
  • You have to learn "How to learn". Here come two things they are: "how you learn a topic or subject?" and "What should be your strategies to manage your study things intelligently?". These two things are different you have to look in between the words. Like really these things are different. The first question refers to what is your method to learn anything. The second question refers to the purely "learning strategies" like how you organize yourself, your day, your study things like a system administrator.
  • Find out a strong reason to continue trying to get what you want to achieve. You have to list all the quotes which motivate you personally and always read those quotes. These things make your supportive things. The main motive of this point is the motivation or inspiration from which you are affected.
  • Make deadlines for your tasks related to your study. Like, you have to complete a chapter within 3 hours. Put your 100% in it and make it happen. If you don't achieve it, then don't worry. But try to achieve. It improves your productivity in a time frame. Remember, if you learn a topic for the first time then take time to understand it completely by heart.
  • Other things like making use of technology. Like, use google calendar to mark your holidays, exams, or any kind of seminar or webinar or anything else which reminds you to modify your work style to achieve something in a given time frame.  You can use Evernote to take notes. You can use other tools to learn. You can use edX, Coursera, udemy, Byju's to learn anything you want to do. Please extract every single thing from the internet. Google is the best teacher of a student. You can use a " todo " app for managing your tasks throughout the day. 
  • Like I said before strategy for learning is important. Later, I will make a separate article on it. You have to trace your improvement. Other things like revision, practice, problem analysis, etc. 
  • Keep away any type of distractions from you. Make based on the above points and stick to the point. At first, you will feel like boring, later after someday like 2 to 3 days like this you will find interesting facts within your course studies. 
  • After completing your everyday tasks. Have a light meal at night and go to bed. Sleep at least for 7 hours. Sleep is very important. And wake up early and repeat your whole day in an interesting way.
So this is the all thing which I want to tell you. If you like it then commend and share. And follow me on my social media handles provided on the top bar.


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